Friday, January 9, 2009

Blagojevich Impeachment Moves to Full House, Senate Trial Begins January 26

The debate over impeaching Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich moves to the Illinois House of Representatives today. The debate begins at 9 AM. Not only are most members of the Illinois media gathered in the state capitol today, but so are many national media outlets.

But while the proceedings will last for some hours in all likelihood, the vote is a foregone conclusion. No one expects to the Governor to get much support in the House of Representatives. Due to the inauguration of President-Elect Obama, the Senate will not take up the trial of the Governor until January 26. The trial in the Senate is expected to last approximately 9 to 10 days.

If all goes according to the current timetable, Gov. Blagojevich could be removed from office around February 4th.

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