Friday, January 9, 2009

Blagojevich Says Impeachment Expected

From the Chicago Tribune

Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich said today the Illinois House's impeachment vote was expected and part of a years-long battle against him.

"It happened kind of fast," the governor said of the vote. "But again, kind of expected. And part of the process that has been the dynamic in Illinois."

"From the very moment of my re-election I've been engaged in a struggle with the House to get things done for people," he said. "The House has stood in the way of letting that happen."

The House voted 114-1-1 today to impeach Blagojevich for a wide array of offenses, including criminal corruption and wasting taxpayer money. The Senate is scheduled to convene a trial in little more than two weeks.

The news conference came after Blagojevich went for a jog in his North Side neighborhood this morning as the House debated impeachment. When the governor got back from his run he compared his situation to long-distance running.

Blagojevich returned from his jog about 11:10 a.m. to a welcoming party of cameras and reporters. But when reporters asked for his response to the impeachment vote, the governor remained focused on his workout.

"How's the pace?" he said. "Pace is good, huh? Seven miles. It was a good run."

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