Friday, January 9, 2009

Illinois Alliance for Growth Statement on the Impeachment

From the Illinois Alliance for Growth

(Springfield, Ill.) “Impeachment of an executive branch officer is the political equivalent of the nuclear option and should not be used to resolve policy differences or for political pay back. While I believe that Governor Blagojevich should be removed from office for issues related to his criminal complaint, the process upon which that occurs should be above reproach,” said Illinois Alliance for Growth President Greg Blankenship.

“Impeaching the Governor for defying the obscure Joint Committee on Administrative Rules; prescription drug reimportation and “agency efficiency initiatives” does not rise to the level of impeachment let alone seriousness,” continued Blankenship. ”Governor Blagojevich has put his political desires above the rule of law and instead of restoring that rule of law the General Assembly, controlled by governor’s own party, has put its political desires above the rule of law.”

“I call on all those who believe that the rule of law should be above politics in the Illinois State Senate to ensure that the trial of Governor Blagojevich be a fair, impartial hearing in which the governor is allowed an adequate defense and that he be judged on the merits of the case not politics. Should the State Senate continue the effort to politically railroad an even deservedly removable governor, they run the risk of running afoul of Illinoisans’ – as well as America’s — sense of fair play by making an individual meriting removal into a victim. And no one wants that,” concluded Blankenship.The Illinois Alliance for Growth is a non-profit, non-partisan taxpayer protection group dedicated to economic growth and limited government. You can find out more about the Illinois Alliance for Growth at

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