Tuesday, January 27, 2009

McKenna Backs Michael Steele for National GOP Chairman

From Andy McKenna, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party

On February 12 we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican Party during a time of dramatic economic change because he believed it was the work of government to expand opportunity but it was the work of people to turn opportunity into prosperity.

Two weeks before we celebrate this great leader, Republicans will have an opportunity to discuss our Party’s future, expand our Party’s vision, and remind people of the values Lincoln believed were the core of the Party he helped create.

On January 30, Republicans from all over the United States will assemble in Washington DC to select a new Chairman of the Republican National Committee. I will be there, and I will cast my vote proudly for Michael Steele. The Republican Party faces many challenges in the coming years, and Michael Steele is the man to address them.

America’s faith in its political process has never been lower, and both parties are responsible. Corrupt politicians in both parties have shaken the people’s confidence in their elected officials.
Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich embarrassed Illinois and shocked the nation when he tried to sell President Obama’s Senate seat. But instead of immediately stripping Blagojevich of his appointment power, Democrats in Springfield and in Washington endorsed Blagojevich’s choice for Senate, fearing they would lose if they let the people decide. All too often, insiders excuse and protect the corrupt when they should denounce them.

Michael Steele has been an outsider his entire career. He is not afraid to speak out against corruption. As Chairman he would take the ethical high ground and help restore the people’s faith in government.

Not only was Steele the first African American Lieutenant Governor in Maryland’s history, but he was also the first Republican. He won by reaching out to the Republican faithful, and by articulating an inclusive message that appealed to Independents and Democrats. Michael Steele will represent a Republican Party committed to competing for votes in every city, county and town in the country.

I am proud to be part of a Republican Party in Illinois that worked as hard for Mark Kirk as it did for Peter Roskam. I am a pro-life, Irish-Catholic, yet on our most important questions we gain more from discovering common values than from debating private differences. Litmus tests for candidates do not move us forward. Michael Steele realizes that. Michael Steele ran an inclusive party in Maryland and he will aggressively pursue a policy of outreach as National Chairman. Steele knows we need to focus on growing our Party despite our differences.

Finally, our Party’s greatest strength has always been its local organizations with their legions of grassroots volunteers. Our Party is always most effective when we are inspired not from the top down, but from the ground up. Michael Steele has traveled the country to train, support and inspire these local organizations and as Party Chairman his efforts would only increase.

Michael Steele is an exceptional and charismatic leader. He will maintain the Party where it is strong and grow the Party where it is weak. His enthusiasm, integrity and ideas will renew the Republican Party and keep it the Party that Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan were all proud to call their own.

Andy McKenna
Chairman, Illinois Republican Party

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