Monday, January 12, 2009

Rep. Fritchey Files for 5th Congressional Race

From the Campaign Office of John Fritchey for Congress

Chicago − Capping a momentous first week of his candidacy to become the next Congressman for Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, State Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) today filed his nominating petitions with the Illinois State Board of Elections. The Special Primary Election has been set for March 3rd, and was announced after Rahm Emanuel’s departure to become Chief of Staff for President-Elect Barack Obama.

Rep. Fritchey was the first of the candidates in line to file petitions. He arrived at the Illinois Board of Elections at 4:30 a.m., over three hours before the office opened for business. While three other campaigns arrived later to file petitions on behalf of various candidates, Fritchey was the only candidate to file personally.

“I think it’s important for a candidate to show their commitment and desire in any race, and I wanted to make clear that I am bringing the same passion I have shown in my service as a legislator to this campaign. Should I be fortunate enough to be elected, I will bring that same passion to Washington,” said Rep. Fritchey.

Rep. Fritchey said that his filing, coming only a week after he announced his candidacy, demonstrates his broad-based support across the 5th District, which runs from the lakefront west to the DuPage County line.

“While other major campaigns were paying people to circulate petitions for their candidates, we had well over 100 volunteers who gathered over 6,000 signatures from across the District,” said Rep. Fritchey. “The fact that they did so over a weekend with nearly a foot of snow shows their commitment and belief in the campaign that we are going to bring to the voters of the 5th District.”

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