Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cong. Peter Roskam Backs Tax Credit for Renewable Biogas.

From Congressman Roskam's office, Feb 25, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) recently joined a bipartisan group of Members of Congress in introducing legislation that would create the nation’s first tax credit for the production of renewable biogas. Roskam made energy independence a cornerstone of his first term in Congress and has pledged to continue fighting for policies that reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

“While gas prices have declined since the highs of last summer, it is important this Congress and nation not lose sight of the great need to become independent of foreign sources of energy,” said Roskam. “Incentivizing biogas production is a perfect example of sustainable policies which will help diversify our sources of domestic energy while promoting a cleaner environment.”

Although renewable biogas is the most versatile form of bio-energy, current tax credits are only available for biogas that is used to produce electricity. This credit would level playing fields for investors in the renewable energy industry and generate a renewable source that can be used by residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout the United States.

Specifically, this legislation would create a tax incentive of $4.27 for each million BTU of biogas produced, making it more cost-effective to turn the gases given off by dairy farms, landfills and waste treatment centers into domestic energy.

It is estimated that the U.S. industrial sector alone can cut its annual gas emissions by 23% or more from projected levels in 2030 using existing technologies, technologies pioneered by companies like Des Plaines’ Gas Technology Institute (GTI).

“Creating incentives for the production of renewable biogas will expand the opportunities for renewables in the natural gas sector,” said Dan LeFevers, Executive Director of Gas Technology Institute Washington operations. “GTI continues to perform research on new and more cost effective ways to produce renewable gas from a variety of feedstocks, as well as developing improved means to move renewable biogas into the nation’s pipeline system so that homes, businesses and industry can have an additional renewable option. This expanded role for renewable biogas will create green jobs and spur rural and urban economic development. We commend Congressman Roskam for having the foresight to support such legislation.”


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