Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gov Quinn Applauds President's Appointment of Tammy Duckworth

CHICAGO – With President Barack Obama announcing his intent to nominate Tammy Duckworth to be the Assistant Secretary of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Tammy Duckworth issued this joint statement today.

“I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Tammy Duckworth since we met at Walter Reed over four years ago. Her dedication to our Veterans and love for this country is immeasurable and we have been very fortunate to have her in Illinois advocating for our Veterans and their families. She has done a fantastic job working to make sure that Illinois’ Veterans get the assistance they needed and I know that she will continue to do great work on a national level under the Obama Administration. I look forward to working with her as Illinois continues to lead the nation in providing for our Veterans and their families,” said Governor Pat Quinn.

Tammy Duckworth has served as Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) for the past two years. Under Tammy Duckworth’s leadership, Illinois has implemented cutting edge programs for Veterans, especially in the areas of health care, mental health, housing and employment.

“For the past two years, I have had the distinct pleasure and honor of serving Illinois’ Veterans and their families. We have made great strides in Illinois when it comes to caring for our Veterans. We’ve created first-in-the-nation programs, like the Illinois Warrior Assistance Program and the GI Loan for Heroes. We have fought hard to ensure that our Veterans receive the benefits they have rightfully earned. Now that Governor Pat Quinn has brought new leadership to Illinois, I feel that I can answer President Barack Obama’s call to serve at the USDVA with full confidence that Illinois Veterans’ rights will be safeguarded,” said Tammy Duckworth.

“America has a sacred trust with our Veterans. We must work together - states, federal and non-governmental - to make sure our service members get the benefits and treatment they need when they return home. It is the least that we can do for those who are willing die to protect our freedoms. I look forward to helping our nation keep the faith with our Veterans,” added Duckworth.

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