Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Risinger Named to Senate Committees, Reappointed to Spokesperson Positions

From the Office of State Senator Dale Risinger

SPRINGFIELD – State Sen. Dale Risinger (R-Peoria) has been named to five Illinois Senate committees by Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) for the 96th General Assembly.

The 37th District Senator has been asked to continue his responsibilities as Republican Spokesperson for the Energy Committee, which reviews legislation that affects power and utilities issues, and for the Environment Committee, which handles legislation that addresses recycling and the environment. He will also serve as a member of the Gaming, Human Services, and Transportation committees.

“It’s going to be a difficult legislative session because our finances are in terrible shape and, as a result, we will be limited in our approaches to the challenges we face,” Risinger said. “My Senate committees will handle issues that will provide key components in getting Illinois turned around and headed back in the right direction. More than six years of neglect have left us with some tough decisions.”

The Gaming Committee considers legislation affecting riverboat casinos, horse racing and other gaming-related issues. Because the Gaming Committee is new this year, it is not yet known if state Lottery issues will be handled by this committee or will continue to be considered by the Revenue and the Executives committees.

The Human Services Committee handles legislation addressing medical, welfare, senior citizens and other related issues.

The Transportation Committee deliberates over legislation dealing with the state’s roads, rail systems, airports and waterways. Senator Risinger, a civil engineer, has a background in transportation and government.

The Senate’s 28 standing committees analyze legislation dealing with specific subject areas, such as education, agriculture and transportation. Committees screen legislation introduced by all members and usually, only those bills approved by a committee may be considered by the entire Senate.

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