Thursday, March 12, 2009

Making News in Mr. Lincoln's Hometown: A Media Directory and Guidebook is Now Available

From the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce

The twelfth edition of Making News in Mr. Lincoln's Hometown, a comprehensive media directory and guidebook, is now available for purchase. The publication is a project of the Springfield Chapter of Association for Women in Communications and co-sponsored by the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.

Making News in Mr. Lincoln’s Hometown is a 50-page publication that lists information on more than 100 media outlets in Sangamon and surrounding counties as well as national media outlets in Chicago. Newspapers, radio stations, publications and television stations are listed with multiple contacts as well as advertising rate information.

The guidebook portion of the publication covers a wide spectrum of "nuts and bolts" topics in a simple and easy-to-read format. Highlights include a time line for creating effective publicity campaigns, media relations, promotion and advertising tips, and evaluation methods. Sample news releases, copywriting tips and a glossary of commonly used terms are included. The reference section has been newly updated and lists more than fifty current resources.

The cost is $15 per copy for members of Association for Women in Communications and Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce and $25 for non-members. Copies can be purchased at the Chamber office, 3 South Old State Capitol Plaza. To request a copy call the Chamber at 217.525.1173.

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