Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sen. Clayborne, Rep. Reitz, Illinois Chamber Unveil Illinois Energy to Jobs Initiative

From the Office of the Illinois Energy to Jobs Initiative

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Sen. James Clayborne (D-East St. Louis), Rep. Dan Reitz (D-Steeleville) and the Illinois Chamber of Commerce today unveiled the Illinois Energy to Jobs Initiative — a comprehensive strategy to create the business and regulatory environment necessary to encourage new energy projects and create jobs in Illinois.

“Just as President Obama and Congressional leaders made energy investment a key element in the nation’s economic recovery, so must we in Illinois,” said Sen. Clayborne. “Whether it’s clean coal plants, wind farms, nuclear plants, pipelines or biofuel facilities, key investments in our energy infrastructure will create thousands of jobs and pump millions of dollars into local communities across our state.”

“With an energy base that includes one of the largest coal reserves in the world, the most nuclear generating plants of any state, a convergence of natural gas and crude oil pipelines, five area oil refineries, farmland for biofuels, ample wind for electrical generation, a robust electricity transmission system and much more, Illinois has the foundation to become one of the nation’s key energy centers,” said Todd Maisch, acting director of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “This legislation will help make sure we take full advantage of our natural and geographic resources. We look forward to working with legislators and hearing their ideas to help put thousands of people to work.”

The Illinois Energy to Jobs Initiative (Senate Bill 1823/House Bill 3854) will create a safer, more predictable and more attractive environment for energy infrastructure development. The legislation:
· Provides incentives including tax credits and exemptions to build, modernize and improve energy production and manufacturing facilities ranging from wind farms to biomass production to enhanced refining capacity for a more secure source of oil and gas
· Provides incentives including tax credits and exemptions to promote investment in transmission efficiency and other smart grid technologies
· Provides for predictability in the review process for energy facilities with state agencies by making the permitting process more timely and efficient
· Expands the state’s ability to bring carbon sequestration projects to Illinois by broadening the scope of the Illinois Power Authority to facilitate carbon dioxide transportation
· Creates a commission appointed by the Governor and legislative leaders to address the technical issues associated with carbon sequestration in Illinois
· Eliminates the moratorium on new nuclear generation, recognizing safe use of nuclear power is once again part of the national energy discussion

Growing Illinois’ energy infrastructure will result in economic and job growth. For example, the Prairie State Energy Campus under construction in Washington County is expected to create nearly 500 permanent jobs, employ more than 2,300 workers during peak construction and inject more than $2.8 billion into economy over the first three decades in operation. And, a more than $400 million wind farm proposed for portions of McDonough and Warren counties is expected to create more than 200 construction jobs and as many as 20 permanent jobs.

“Not only will this legislation create jobs and grow our economy, but developing energy solutions in Illinois and for the nation can lead to greater energy security and reliability,” said Rep. Reitz. “Facing dwindling energy supply and increasing global demand, the need for energy security is real and immediate. Our reliance on foreign energy supplies threatens our national and economic security and our ability to compete in the global marketplace.”

Illinois is uniquely positioned to become one of the nation’s premier energy centers.
· Illinois is among the top 10 states for biofuel production. As one of the nation’s top producers of corn and soybeans, Illinois is positioned to lead in the development of ethanol, biodiesel and cellulosic sources of fuel.
· Coal found underneath 37,000 square miles in Illinois contains more energy than the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait combined. Illinois is poised to lead in the development of cutting edge clean coal technologies that can help power the nation toward greater energy security.
· Illinois is ranked second in the nation for new wind farm development and 16th in the country for wind power potential.
· With 11 active units, Illinois is already the nation's leader in the production of nuclear power.
· Illinois is the key crossroads for an underground pipeline system that will bring oil from our number one importer – Canada. As one of the nation’s top natural gas consumers, Illinois produces only .02 percent of its consumption. However, Illinois is ranked second in the nation in natural gas storage capacity.
· Illinois is the crossroad for an extensive energy infrastructure network, including power transmission lines as well as underground pipeline systems that transport natural gas and crude oil from Canada to our state and beyond.

For more information on the Illinois Energy to Jobs Initiative and to read the legislation, visit

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