Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dr. Quentin Young Withdraws as Chairman of the Health Facilities Planning Board

From the Office of Governor Pat Quinn

CHICAGO – April 21, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn has accepted the withdrawal of Dr. Quentin Young as chairman of the Health Facilities Planning Board. Dr. Young voluntarily withdrew his appointment upon discovering that his former practice had partial ownership in a property that leases space to a health care provider. This business relationship could potentially conflict with his duties on the board.

“When Dr. Young learned of this possible conflict, he immediately withdrew his name,” said Governor Quinn. “That is a testament to his integrity and his dedication to being an honest public servant and patient advocate.”

On April 17, Governor Quinn announced Dr. Young would head the Health Facilities Planning Board.

After that announcement, Dr. Young indentified that he retains a minority interest in a doctors’ office that’s held in a partnership and owns a property being leased to Advocate Health Care. Dr. Young had recently retired from that practice and the leasing deal was made six months after he retired from that practice.

Upon learning of the lease, Dr. Young immediately contacted the governor’s staff and withdrew his name.

Under state law, no one on the Health Facilities Planning Board can have a business relationship with any health care institution licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act.

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