Monday, April 20, 2009

Governor Quinn Makes 2008 Income Tax Returns Available for Public Inspection

From the Office of Governor Pat Quinn

CHICAGO – April 20, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn today announced he is making his 2008 income tax returns available for public inspection.

Governor Quinn’s 2008 returns cover his salary while Lieutenant Governor, prior to his becoming governor on January 29, 2009.

In addition to his $120,226.61 salary as Lieutenant Governor in 2008, Governor Quinn reported interest income of $2,207.22 and a taxable refund of $770.15.

Governor Quinn paid $28,353.71 in federal income tax and $4,151.48 in state income tax in 2008. Governor Quinn also paid $2,834.02 in property taxes on his home on the West Side of Chicago.

Public appointments to view Governor Quinn’s income tax returns in Chicago should be made with Simone McNeil, Director of Operations in the Governor’s office at 312-814-2121. Appointments in Springfield can be made with Libby White, Press Secretary in the Governor’s office at 217-782-7355.

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