Tuesday, May 19, 2009

AFSCME Announces "Fair Budget Illinois" Campaign

From the Office of AFSCME Council 31

Illinois’ largest union of state and university employees today launched Fair Budget Illinois, an aggressive grassroots campaign to protect public services, prevent job loss and pay the state’s bills.

The campaign from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 includes:

*An initial TV ad, “No One Is Here To Take Your Call,” airing on broadcast and cable.

*A first radio ad, “Recession.”

*A new Web site, FairBudgetIL.com, where the public can get information about the budget crisis, access these and future ads, and contact state lawmakers with one click.

*Coordinated grassroots outreach to state legislators by AFSCME members across Illinois, including phone calls, e-mail, petitions and postcards.

“Every Illinoisan depends on public services, so everyone has a stake in this budget debate,” AFSCME Council 31 executive director Henry Bayer said. “A budget without new revenue will force devastating cuts to education, health care, law enforcement, transportation, human services and more. We urge legislators to support a tax increase to preserve these essential public services, prevent tens of thousands of layoffs and pay the state’s bills.”

AFSCME Council 31 represents 100,000 active and retired public-service workers across Illinois.

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