Friday, May 1, 2009

Gov Quinn Takes Action on Clemency Petitions

CHICAGO – May 1, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn today approved 18 clemency petitions. This is second time Governor Quinn has taken clemency action since taking office in January. It is another step in his effort to eliminate a massive backlog of nearly 2,500 cases that built up during the previous administration.

The 18 clemency petitions, including 1 commutation of sentence, approved by Governor Quinn are part of the 32 petitions reviewed by the Governor. The petitions represent a portion of the cases in the April 2003 docket. Each person granted clemency has recently undergone a criminal background check.

Governor Quinn has made erasing the backlog of clemency cases a top priority. The Office of the General Counsel is systematically reviewing every case and working to drastically reduce the build-up by year’s end.


  1. Gov. Quinn is following his predecessors by only considering petitions from those who are OUTSIDE our prisons now. It would take a real act of courage and wisdom to seriously consider the petitions of the wrongfully convicted who still languish in our prisons.

  2. I am glad he is taking any action. Inside or Outside prison it is tough to live with a Scarlet letter around your neck.

    This is long do you have to pay for a crime? This comes down to jobs and restricted access to jobs because of prior felonies. People convicted of only 1 felony and who have not been in trouble over a period of year should have special consideration.

  3. Governor Quinn is a joke; both he and the Prisoner Board is a waste of taxpayer’s money. What about Edwin Ayala’s petition Governor Quinn you scumbag? What about the fact that; since my release I have secured a bachelors in computer science, become a productive member of my community, and have not been associated, or convicted of another crime over 14 years? Can you and your administration say the same? And regardless of my atonement I continue to be discriminated on in the workplace, and will always be limited in my full potential. I am married and have 2 children in one of the worst economies no thanks to your administration and have to work 10 times harder to get a job? You are a jerk, and so is Montes and it is funny of all the petitions you signed you didn't sign mine which was sitting in the governors office over 5 years. You and Montes are cherry picking, without any real consideration for atonement. No surprise considering the corruption your administration continues to perpetuate. I know the truth; and the truth is I am not one of the boys and I do not kiss your or Montes butt, and to tell you the truth no one should have to. Do you guys even know the different between right and wrong? Oh that is right? You do not have to because the law doesn’t apply to you only to taxpayers and police officers.
