Monday, May 4, 2009

Governor Quinn Names Expert to Examine Howe Center

From the Office of Governor Pat Quinn

CHICAGO – May 4, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn announced that Anne M. Shannon will be assisting the Quinn Administration’s probe of the conditions at the Howe Developmental Center in Tinley Park. Shannon will work with families of current and former Howe residents, advocacy groups, legislators and employees to gain a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of residential care at the facility.

“I am committed to ensuring the well-being of the residents at the Howe facility,” said Governor Quinn. “I have full confidence in Anne’s ability to evaluate this serious situation from all sides and provide sound recommendations.”

Shannon is the former President and CEO of Aspire Illinois, a non-profit organization that provides support for individuals with developmental disabilities. Under her leadership, Aspire employed more than 400 individuals who served approximately 1,000 Illinois residents with disabilities. (See attached document for additional biographical information.)

Last week, the Illinois Commission on Governmental Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) issued their report in favor of the closure of Howe. Shannon will review documents that impacted the commission’s decision and evaluate its recommendation.

“My primary goal is that each and every resident be served in a way that meets his or her unique individual needs and those of the family as well,” said Shannon.

In April 2007, Howe was decertified by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), meaning that Howe cannot bill for Medicaid reimbursement. The decertification reduces the funds by $27 million that the state has available on an annual basis.

In September 2008, Howe was ordered closed under the previous administration pending the CGFA report. The Center is currently home to 282 residents and employs 734 individuals. The hiring of Shannon reflects the Quinn Administration’s commitment to thoroughly investigating the situation before a final decision is made.

Shannon is a life-long educator and public servant, bringing more than 20 years of academic experience and two degrees in Education to the position. She will submit her recommendations on Howe to Governor Quinn by June 30.

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