Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ILGOP: Not the Time for Taxes

From the Illinois Republican Party

CHICAGO – The Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee and Republican County Chairman’s Association have unanimously passed resolutions opposing tax increases to solve Illinois’ fiscal crisis created by Blagojevich Democrats.

“Blagojevich Democrats have put Illinois on the brink of bankruptcy and now expect hardworking families to bail out their six years of fiscal mismanagement,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna.

The resolutions highlight Democrats’ attempts to increase the state’s income tax by 50% and raise the gas tax on hardworking Illinois families.

“It is unconscionable that Blagojevich Democrats want to foist even more taxes on the hardworking men and women of this state when they are already struggling to make ends meet,” said Republican County Chairman President Randy Pollard. “Democrats should focus on controlling some of their out of control spending before even considering jobs-killing tax increases.”

The resolutions passed by the State Central Committee and Chairman’s Association are linked.

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