Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Senate Votes to Outlaw Texting While Driving

Legislation proposed by Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White to strengthen the laws on distracted driving was approved today by the State Senate. The legislation now goes to the House for concurrence.

House Bills 71 and 72, sponsored in the Senate by Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Cicero) and Senator Pamela Althoff (R-Crystal Lake) respectively, will strengthen Illinois laws on distracted driving. HB 71 bans text messaging while driving. HB 72 bans cell phone use while driving in school or construction zones. Both measures passed the House on April 1st, where they were sponsored by State Representatives John D’Amico (D-Chicago) and Bill Black (R-Danville).

“With the increased use of technological devices, distracted driving has become a serious problem in our state and in the nation,” said Secretary of State Jesse White. “This legislation is important and will make our roads safer. No driver has any business text messaging while they are driving. Additionally, school zones and construction zones require drivers to slow down and pay special attention to their surroundings and, as a result, they should not be using a cell phone.”

The penalty for violating either of these measures results in a moving violation that will go on the motorist’s driving record as well as accompanying fines and court costs to be determined by the judge.

The legislation is based on recommendations made by the state’s Distracted Driving Task Force, which was chaired by White. The task force, created by Joint House Resolution 22, met three times last year to discuss and examine ways to reduce fatalities and injuries cause by distracted driving.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least 25 percent of police-reported crashes involve some form of driver inattention. Distraction occurs when a driver is delayed in the recognition of information needed to safely accomplish the driving task, because something within or outside the vehicle draws his attention away from driving.


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