Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Statement from Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Lance Trover Regarding Comments Made by Democrat Alexi Giannoulias

From the Illinois Republican Party

July 27, 2009 - "It is laughable that a Blagojevich Democrat like Alexi Giannoulias wants to lecture us on ethics after he endorsed Rod Blagojevich and ran the lending division of his family bank responsible for loans to convicted felons with mob ties.

"Alexi Giannoulias gambled away over $85 million in the Bright Start Illinois college savings fund and has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate PACs, unions and other special interest groups.

"Illinois is in desperate need of reform, not more of the same Blagojevich-style corruption Alexi Giannoulias and his pals have brought upon our state throughout the last six years."


1) Since 2006, IL election records show Alexi Giannoulias accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate PACs, unions and special interest groups. (See Citizens for Giannoulias semi-annual campaign finance reports)

2) According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, Alexi's exploratory committee for Senate has already taken PAC money from "Labor," "Business" and "Ideological" special interest groups. http://link.sc.states.gop.com/?42-2439-7382-227458-40296

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