Monday, July 13, 2009

Statement from Senate President John Cullerton on the Signing of the Capital Bill

From the Illinois State Senate Democrats

SPRINGFIELD, IL - In response to Governor Pat Quinn’s plan to sign the capital bill, Senate President John J. Cullerton issued the following statement:

“The failure to pass a job-creating capital bill has been a symbol of the toxic dysfunction and mistrust that has prevailed in Springfield for ten years. So in my inaugural speech in January, I pledged to do everything I could to work with the Governor and all legislative leaders to pass a comprehensive capital construction program for Illinois.

On that day the state unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. Legislators of every ideological stripe realized that it was time to get Illinois working again by creating jobs, stabilizing the economy and modernizing our state’s crumbling infrastructure.

I want commend organized labor and the business communities for setting aside their differences to move this plan forward. Democrats and Republicans from both chambers of the General Assembly should also be applauded for working to send this jobs plan to the Governor in May.

Today the state unemployment rate is 10.1 percent. I am pleased to see that Governor Quinn has finally given the green light to get our economy moving and put people back to work. By signing our job-creating statewide construction plan, he is ending the practice of using out-of-work Illinoisans as political leverage while also removing a major roadblock to bipartisan cooperation and trust among political leaders.

Now we can create jobs that are the direct and indirect result of capital investments in local communities. We can provide relief to Illinois’ cities by reducing their need to rely on local revenues to support economic development and infrastructure. We can repair and build our roads, bridges, transit, and school construction projects. Now we can get back to work.”

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