Monday, August 10, 2009

Giannoulias Endorsed by Working Families of UNITE HERE, UFCW, UA and Illinois Pipe Trades

From the Campaign Office of Alexi Giannoulias for U.S. Senate

Chicago, IL -- Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias’ U.S. Senate campaign gained new momentum today as he received the backing of several prominent labor unions.

“I’m honored to receive the support of working men and women from across the state of Illinois,” Giannoulias said. “To get this economy moving again and to create the jobs of the 21st Century, we must reject the failed politics of the past and move our country forward. We must stand up for affordable healthcare, stand up for tax relief for the middle class and stand up for a more honest, transparent government. I’m proud to stand with the working men and women of organized labor.”

Giannoulias received the backing of Unite Here Local 1, UFCW Local 1546, UFCW Local 881, UA International and the Illinois Pipe Trades Association.

“We’re pleased Alexi is running for the U.S. Senate and are proud to support him. He has demonstrated a commitment to working people, and is willing to stand with them in their times of sharpest struggle.”

- Henry Tamarin, Local 1 UNITE HERE President.

“Our union is proud to endorse the U.S. Senate Candidacy of Alexi Giannoulias. He has demonstrated from the very beginning of his political career that he will always stand up for what is right especially when it comes to protecting the livelihoods of working families and lifting the economic standards of our community.”

- Kenneth R. Boyd, Local 1546 President United Food and Commercial Workers and International Vice President.

“Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has supported the causes and concerns important to workers in the retail industry. He shares our concerns for obtaining affordable healthcare for all Americans and ensuring that every worker, no matter who they are, has an opportunity to achieve the American Dream. As a son of first generation immigrants, Alexi understands the obstacles working families are facing, especially in the current economy. He has put that work ethic to the test throughout his tenure as Illinois State Treasurer and has led the office in a proactive, positive direction. We believe Alexi will carry that same fighting spirit to Washington where many tough issues are facing working families at a nation level.”

“Alexi Giannoulias has earned the support of Local 881 UFCW and we are proud to endorse his candidacy as a fighter and a friend of working families. Alexi is the candidate for U.S. Senate that has the talent and refreshing ideas to effectively guide us through these tough times.”

-- Ronald E. Powell, President Local 881 United Food and Commercial Workers and International Vice President.

"As the first union to endorse President Barack Obama, we’re very pleased to be able to do the same for our friend Alexi Giannoulias for the seat once held by the President. Treasurer Giannoulias is not only an experienced and professional statesman, but is also a man of high moral character. It’s this combination of professional and personal commitment that makes him the best choice to lead the people of Illinois.”

“We need a leader who will make restoring the public’s trust and confidence in government and its elected leaders a priority. Chicago’s Treasurer Giannoulias’ commitment to pursuing a progressive, reform agenda that is designed to address ethical abuses along with his commitment to fiscal responsibility, has established him as the right choice for the office of U.S. Senate to represent working families from Illinois.”

--William P. Hite, International President United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters.

“Alexi Giannoulias has shown time and time again that he is a true friend to working people. As Treasurer he has strived to protect the financial interests of our members and all working-class families in Illinois with his pioneering programs aimed at helping people secure mortgage loans, avoid predatory lending, save for college tuition, recover lost property and protect assets. He has also worked to use his position to encourage the use of investment to further industry and job growth around the state.”

“We were proud to be one of the first labor organizations to endorse Alexi for Illinois Treasurer and are proud to be one of the first to endorse him for U.S. Senate. His support of current administration policies, ethical commitment to not accept corporate PAC and federal lobbyist money and his proven ability to bring positive change through innovative leadership shows he is the right person to fill President Obama’s shoes in the role of junior Senator in Illinois."

-- Larry Swope, Executive Director Illinois Pipe Trades Association.

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