Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gov Quinn Vetoes Campaign Finance Bill

Chicago – August 27, 2009. Governor Pat Quinn today vetoed campaign finance House Bill 7 saying Illinois deserves a stronger and better election reform law. At the ceremony announcing his veto, Governor Quinn was joined by the General Assembly’s four party leaders and community activists.

“I think we can do better. I look forward to working with Democrat and Republican leaders, activists and everyday citizens on improving our state election campaign laws and restoring the public’s faith in our democratic process,” said Governor Quinn. (Veto message attached.)
Among those attending the veto signing: House Speaker Michael Madigan; Senate President John Cullerton; House Republican Leader Tom Cross and Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno.

“By beginning the process anew, we have the opportunity to bring together the Governor, legislators of both parties, and public watchdog groups to develop a comprehensive plan that sets limits on contributions and provides for more public scrutiny of those contributions,” said Radogno.

Also attending were George Ranney, president and CEO of Metropolis 2020 and co-chair of CHANGE Illinois!, and Cindy Canary, director of Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.

"The Governor and the legislative leaders are to be commended for agreeing to veto HB7 and to begin work immediately on a new version of campaign finance limits,” said Ranney. “The members of the CHANGE Illinois! coalition are committed to working with Governor and members of the Illinois General Assembly.”

Canary of Illinois Campaign for Political Reform said, “Too many election campaigns have been fueled by large donations from special interests. We need a limits system that breaks that reliance on big contributors and encourages small donors and voters to participate more fully in the electoral process. We are open to discussing the details of a new system of campaign contribution limits, but we will not compromise on these principles.”

During the veto signing session, Governor Quinn also outlined a series of major government and political reforms he initiated and supported this year.

“We have made great strides during this Year of Reform and I intend to do much more,” Governor Quinn said.

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