Thursday, October 22, 2009

Manzullo Launches Plan to Put Americans Back to Work in Northern Illinois, Across US

From the Office of Congressman Don Manzullo

On Tuesday, Congressman Don Manzullo unveiled the latest version of his working action plan to create economic opportunities in the United States to help companies put Americans back to work in northern Illinois and throughout our nation.

Manzullo’s American Jobs Agenda is a compilation of years of legislative and administrative actions focused on making American companies more competitive so they can expand and create jobs. Former Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Small Business, Manzullo continues to champion American jobs as founder and co-chair of the House Manufacturing Caucus as well as his positions on the House Committees on Foreign Affairs and Financial Services.

“Our great country is experiencing its most significant economic downturn since the Great Depression, and Americans need jobs more than anything else right now,” Manzullo said. “My American Jobs Agenda gives our entrepreneurs the economic jolt they need to survive these difficult times so they can thrive again and put Americans back to work. It stands in stark contrast to many of the policies Congressional Democrat leaders are pursuing that will penalize employers and put even more Americans on the unemployment lines.”

Congressman Manzullo’s American Jobs Agenda includes legislative and regulatory proposals to:

1. Reform the tax code to help U.S. companies create jobs, put Americans back to work.

2. Make health care more affordable and accessible to Americans without a government takeover that would cost millions of jobs, reduce quality and choice, and increase our debt for generations to come.

3. Enact an “all you can create” energy plan that promotes innovation, conservation, and responsible production of energy to achieve America’s energy independence and a cleaner, healthier planet.

4. Review and eliminate burdensome and unnecessary government regulations that stifle economic growth and cost American jobs.

5. Reform our government procurement policies and require federal agencies to follow “Buy American” laws” to ensure our government is doing business with American companies.

6. Level the playing field for American companies doing business in the global marketplace while reforming our export control policies to help U.S. companies sell more goods overseas.

7. Secure America’s borders, create mandatory work authorization verification and reduce illegal immigration through interior enforcement.

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