Thursday, December 24, 2009

US Senate Passes Healthcare Bill 60-39

Statement by Sen. Dick Durbin on the Senate Passage of the Healthcare Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement today after the Senate passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by a vote of 60 -39.
“For centuries, during this time of year, people would gather with their family and friends, light a candle and look for signs of hope.

This morning’s vote in the United States Senate lit a candle of hope for millions of Americans who went to bed last night without the protection of health insurance.

It lit a candle of hope for the millions who woke up this morning wondering if they will ever win that battle with the health insurance company for the coverage they need, for that surgical procedure or for their medication.

And it lit a candle of hope for this nation that we are finally tackling an issue that every family and every business knows is central to our progress and success as a nation.

Many senators worked tirelessly on this bill, but in large part we succeeded today through the efforts, assistance and inspiration of a President who made this the highest item on his agenda and told us that he would work hard night and day to help us reach this moment. We owe him a great debt.”

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