Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Illinois Policy Institute Statement on Governor Quinn's State of the State Address

From the Illinois Policy Institute

CHICAGO - The Illinois Policy Institute, a non-partisan public policy organization, has issued the following statement regarding Governor Pat Quinn's State of the State Address:

"Governor Quinn had an opportunity to offer meaningful spending cuts and tax relief to revitalize our struggling economy and balance our budget," said John Tillman CEO, Illinois Policy Institute. "Unfortunately, he chose to embrace the failed policies of the past such as more government spending and higher taxes. Illinois politicians have tried these "remedies" previously, but they've resulted in Illinois having one of the worst economies in the nation. Springfield needs to live within its means, limit the growth of government spending and support policies that attract businesses and create jobs."

The Illinois Policy Institute recently released a report outlining fifteen (15) missed opportunities by Governor Quinn and the legislature that would have put Illinois' budget on firmer footing. Examples include adopting efficiency savings measures, pursuing Medicaid reform and reining in wasteful spending. The full report can be found at:

About the Illinois Policy Institute

The Illinois Policy Institute is a nonpartisan research and education organization dedicated to making our state a beacon for liberty and prosperity for all citizens. As a leading voice for economic liberty and government accountability, we engage policy makers, opinion leaders, and citizens on the state and local level by promoting free market principles and liberty-based public policy initiatives for a better Illinois. To learn more about our organization or review our policy briefs, please visit our website at

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