Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Statement from Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady on Scott Brown's Victory in the Massachusetts Senate Special Election

From the Illinois Republican Party
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady made the following statement today:

"Today, the citizens of Massachusetts repudiated the first year of President Obama's term by electing their first Republican Senator since 1972. Republicans, Independents and even a substantial segment of Democrat voters turned out to soundly reject the Obama Administration's uncontrolled spending and attempt to nationalize healthcare. Tonight's victory for Republicans reflects a trend that started last November in New Jersey and Virginia. Republicans won Governor's races in these two states, which were won by President Obama in 2008. Since the Democrats took control of Washington last January, Republicans have won 27 of 36 special elections, including gaining a majority of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court."

"Illinois is next. Like Massachusetts, Illinois is under control of the single-party rule Democrats who have had unbridled control of the State of Illinois for the last eight years and have brought us to the brink of financial collapse. The eyes of the nation will be upon Illinois as we seek to regain the United States Senate seat formerly held by President Obama and retake the Governor’s mansion."

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