Monday, February 1, 2010

Jacob Meister Drops from Senate Race & Endorses Giannoulias


Dear supporters,
Thank you!

Thank you for your unselfishness.

Thank you for knocking on doors, making phone calls, getting your families and friends involved, and for all your encouraging voicemails, emails, tweets and Facebook comments.

Thank you for your financial contributions, particularly the determined 4-year-old girl who gave her mom $1.12 from her piggy bank with the directive: “Give this to Jacob Meister.”

Thank you for validating and affirming my decision to enter into the race for United States Senate. I will be eternally grateful for your support.

This morning, I will take the stage at the Teamsters Hall on the West Side of Chicago. The Teamsters was the first union that I worked for when I was 18 years old when I drove a truck for our family bottling company. The experience instilled in me a work ethic and pride of ownership, virtues I have carried throughout my career.

A teamster is someone who leads the team for the long haul. This morning, I will change my course, take one for the team and officially withdraw from the race to support Alexi Giannoulias for the Democratic nomination for United States Senate.

This is not a decision that I entered into without weighing your interests and our purpose and mission in making this run. Putting your street first, keeping jobs at the front of the discussion and civil rights as a constant, will all be embraced by Alexi.

That doesn’t mean in words only, either. As I have said before, you need to be willing to burn political capital for the things that do matter, and Alexi has assured that he will take up the mantle of my 20/20 Vision and fight for the issues that have been the cornerstone of my platform.

So today I ask you to join me in the race for the next 10 months and support Alexi Giannoulias for the Democratic nomination for United States Senate.

We must work together to keep Illinois blue if we want to move America forward in the direction in which the country needs to go. As I take my hat out the ring today, please join me in throwing our support behind what is in the best interest of the country.

I know I have handed my reins, my supporters and my policies to someone who knows that a democracy that discriminates against one, discriminates against all. I know my candidacy was not in vain because it kept the issues at the forefront and mobilized a colorless base of people whose rights have been denied for far too long.

What an incredible experience these past four months have been. Please join me for the exciting future that lies ahead.

Jacob Meister

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