Saturday, March 27, 2010

GOP Lt Gov Candidate Jason Plummer's Statement on Shelia Simon's Selection as Dem Lt Gov Candidate

I welcome Sheila Simon's entry to this race. I am confident we will have a thoughtful campaign that is going to offer the voters two vastly different approaches for Illinois. Like Pat Quinn, Sheila Simon wants to raise taxes on families across the state. While I was humbled to be nominated by citizens from across Illinois, Governor Quinn chose to ignore the voice of the voters and hand-pick Sheila for this post. This is a perfect example of the arrogance of our current leadership. Bill Brady and I are committed to a clean break for Illinois, standing against job-killing tax increases and the monkey business that occurs in Springfield. I disagree with Sheila's philosophy, but I do respect her and her sincerity. I am sure Sheila Simon is a true believer and look forward to a campaign with her on the issues.

1 comment:

  1. You may be interested in my blog post about Sheila Simon and one of her band's songs:
    "Sheila Simon and the girl pope song"
