Monday, March 29, 2010

House Republicans Offer Three Measures to Counter President's Healthcare Law

From the IL Policy Institutue

CHICAGO - The Illinois Policy Institute, a non-partisan free market think tank, applauds Illinois House Republicans for introducing three bills aimed at lessening the negative impact of President Obama's federal health care legislation. The Illinois measures include prohibiting enforcement of the mandate requiring individuals to purchase health insurance coverage, directing the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) to examine the fiscal impact of federal health care reforms on the Illinois state budget, and legislation urging the Illinois Attorney General of to file suit challenging the law's constitutionality.

"We applaud House Republicans for introducing legislation aimed at mitigating the adverse impact of the deeply flawed health care law," said Kristina Rasmussen, Executive Vice President, Illinois Policy Institute. "At a time when Illinois is experiencing record unemployment and deficits, this new federal law will cause unnecessary harm to our economy. Illinois residents can thank Representatives Mitchell, Bellock, and Mathias for their swift response to the over-reaching, unaffordable federal health care takeover."

Details on Illinois House Republican Legislation:

Prohibition on Individual Mandate (HB 6842, Rep. Bill Mitchell) - The federal health care reform includes a mandate for individuals to purchase health insurance if they do not currently have coverage. The "Health Freedom from Individual Mandate" legislation seeks to amend the Illinois Insurance Code to prohibit the enforcement of an individual mandate providing this prohibition on requiring individuals to obtain or maintain insurance should not render an individual liable for any penalty, assessment, fee, or fine as a result of failure to procure or obtain health insurance coverage. This proposed legislation is based on current Virginia law.

Resolution on GOFA Analysis of Fiscal Impact of Health Reforms (HR 1074, Rep. Patti Bellock) - The federal health care reform expands the Medicaid program and makes numerous other reforms that may grossly impact the state budget. Governor Pat Quinn has publically stated the fiscal impact of these reforms is not yet known and the State has not determined a cost estimate. This resolution provides for the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) to conduct an examination of the fiscal impact of the federal health care reform on the Illinois state budget.

Resolution Urging Attorney General to Seek Relief from Federal Health Care Reform (HR 1075, Rep. Sid Mathias) - This resolution urges the Illinois Attorney General to file suit against the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the United States Department of the Treasury and the United State Department of Labor, challenging the constitutionality of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." The complaint alleges the Act represents an unprecedented encroachment on the sovereignty of the States in protecting the freedom, public health and welfare of their citizens by mandating (1) massive increases in state Medicaid enrollments and by (2) impairing individual citizen's rights to make health care decisions, including the decision not to participate in any health care insurance program or scheme.

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