Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Statement by Gov Quinn on the Settlement of the Chicago Area Labor Strike

CHICAGO – July 20, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today issued the following statement on the settlement of the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 and The Laborers District Council of Chicago & Vicinity strike:
“I want to salute the Operating Engineers and Laborers’ for coming to an agreement that will allow Illinois’ workers to return to their jobs and get important infrastructure projects back on track. We must continue to work together to keep these projects moving for Illinois residents and for the future of our state’s economy. The Illinois Department of Transportation continues to announce new projects that are part of the largest construction season in the history of Illinois. I want to again commend both parties – the unions and contractors – for the agreement reached last night that will help keep this construction season moving in the right direction.”
The agreement was reached with the Mid-America Regional Bargaining Association (MARBA).

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