Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sen Kirk's Reaction to State of the Union

Statement from Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) on State of the Union Address

"The Address reflected an important call for civility after the Arizona shootings. Senator Durbin and I sat together as patriots, not partisans.

The chief threat to our economy is runaway federal spending and debt. The American people elected a new Congress with a mandate to cut spending, reduce debt and keep taxes low. Unfortunately, I heard more ways to spend tax dollars than ways to cut the budget. Republicans should support the President's efforts to consolidate the federal government and his call for ending congressional earmarks.

Congress must soon answer the President's request to borrow more money. We should say no- unless legislation is coupled with new anti-spending reforms that would make any future additions to our debt increasingly impossible. I am also eager to join in the Administration's discussion towards a simplified tax code and ending regulations that hamper economic growth."

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