Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady on Gov Quinn's FY 2012 Budget

"Pat Quinn tried to frame himself as a fiscal conservative in his budget address today. However, the rhetoric of this speech was empty, as his words do not match up with his policies, or reality for that matter. The fact remains that Pat Quinn has not proposed any specific, substantial budget cuts that are necessary to restore financial order. His only solutions continue to be borrowing against the future of Illinois and raising taxes.

"Governor Quinn glossed over the 66% income tax hike as a 'new revenue law' - a tax increase that will cost average citizens thousands of dollars that they just cannot afford right now, and also kill Illinois jobs. What he proved today is that he still does not grasp the gravity of the financial mess that Illinois is in, and the devastating effects that it is having on taxpayers and small businesses.

"Governor Quinn speaks as if the problems that plague Illinois were on someone else's watch - but in fact they have accumulated during his administration and that when he served as Lieutenant Governor under Rod Blagojevich. It's time he get serious about the reality of the situation and make the difficult decisions needed to get Illinois back to work. Quinn said today: 'Saying no is not enough, unless you are willing to offer new alternatives.' In fact is is Governor Quinn who is not offering new alternatives - just the same old 'borrow more, spend more, tax more.'"

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