Thursday, May 16, 2013

Concealed Carry Measure Finally Moving in the Senate

The Senate's Executive Committee today Considered a Concealed Carry measure, referred to as Amendment 1 sponsored by Sen. Raoul and attached to House Bill 183.

Earlier this spring, Senate President John J. Cullerton designated Senate Judiciary Chairman Kwame Raoul to negotiate a legislative proposal for concealed carry.Senate President Cullerton issued the following statement regarding House Bill 183:
"I want to commend Sen. Raoul for negotiating another tough issue on behalf of our caucus. The framework of this proposal acknowledges the diversity of our state, embraces local control, and provides for sensible safeguards."

House Bill 183 does the following:
·       Directs State Police to give concealed carry licenses to people who meet certain qualifications
·       Allows local law enforcement to object to a local resident’s application
·       Allows a gun owner to carry a concealed weapon in Chicago only with a special endorsement; while applicants are subject to the same qualifications, Chicago police can conduct their own investigation
·       Prohibits loaded weapons in certain kinds of places, e.g. schools, hospitals and public transit
·       Allows home rule municipalities to ban guns in other kinds of places by ordinance
·       Requires applicants to pass a firearm training course
·       Closes the private sale and transfer loophole by requiring a seller to verify that the buyer’s FOID Card is still valid
·       Strengthens mental health reporting requirements
·       Requires a gun owner to report a lost or stolen gun within three days of realizing it is missing

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