Wednesday, March 5, 2014

AFSCME Local 31 Endorses Sen Kirk Dillard (R) for Governor

CHICAGO, IL – Republican candidate for Illinois Governor Kirk Dillard today proudly received the endorsement of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, adding to the significant statewide support that he's received in the past two weeks. Council 31 represents 100,000 public service workers and retirees in the state of Illinois.

“We believe that Kirk Dillard would be the best choice in the Republican primary because he has a long record of public service and demonstrated understanding of state government," Henry Bayer, executive director for AFSCME Council 31, said. "He rejects the demonization of public employees – the teachers, state police and correctional officers, caretakers for those with disabilities, and thousands of others who provide the vital public services that Illinois citizens demand.”

Dillard said he was honored by AFSCME's strong support. "I can't tell you how much this means to me and my campaign," Dillard said. "We owe a great deal to the tens of thousands of hard working public service employees across our state, and their support is resonating with their friends and families who know that we must bring new leadership to Springfield."
"Together, we'll roll up our sleeves and make Illinois work again."
Kirk Dillard
The AFSCME endorsement follows earlier endorsements from the Illinois Education Association, which represents 130,000 teachers and professional staff statewide, the more than 100,000 member Illinois Federation of Teachers and the 36,000 members of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association.
Bayer underscored Dillard's vast experience in Springfield in making the endorsement. "We believe Kirk Dillard, with his long experience in the Jim Thompson and Jim Edgar administrations, as well as the state senate, is the responsible choice in the Republican race for governor.”

Dillard earlier this week released his jobs plan for Illinois, calling it making Illinois a Destination Economy. The plan outlines a broad vision for getting the state's fiscal house in order, cutting excessive regulations and encouraging businesses to grow and create new jobs.

"I'm excited to have AFSCME join our campaign. Together, we'll roll up our sleeves and make Illinois work again," Dillard said.

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