Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Illinoisans Say Proposed Tax Hike Will Hurt

From the Illinois Republican Party

CHICAGO (AP) -- Illinois taxpayers are reacting to Gov. Pat Quinn's proposed budget with a bit of anger, resignation and, in some cases, downright fear.

In downtown Chicago, several Illinoisans said the proposed income tax hike is certainly no surprise given news of the state's $11.5 billion budget deficit.

But some say they still don't understand why they have to be the ones who pay and why the state can't do more to cut some services or address wasteful government spending.

And some echoed Janet Redmond, a 56-year old suburban Chicago school secretary. She says that because of things like unpaid furloughs she's been forced to take, the $441 income tax hike Quinn is proposing for her tax bracket will make it impossible to pay her bills.

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