Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Statement from Illinois GOP Chairman Andy McKenna on Gov. Quinn's Budget Address

From the Illinois Republican Party

“The efforts by Blagojevich Democrats to enact massive, job-killing tax hikes in the midst of an economic crisis, while the people of Illinois are already struggling to find good-paying jobs, are wrong.

“It is outrageous that the Party of Blagojevich, currently led by his running-mate Pat Quinn, has put Illinois eleven billion dollars in debt and now expects the hardworking men and women of this state to bail them out with job-killing tax hikes.

“Governor Quinn’s job-killing tax hikes will reach directly into the pockets of middle class families who are already struggling to make ends meet.

“Six years ago, Blagojevich Democrats promised to change the way Illinois does business but gave us the most corrupt governor in our history, out-of-control spending, lost jobs, and now want to give us our largest income tax increase in forty years.

“The people of Illinois are hungry for change and the massive tax increases proposed by Blagojevich Democrats are further proof that the current leadership is taking our state in the wrong direction.”

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