Friday, January 22, 2010

Dan Proft Statement on Bob Schillerstrom Dropping Out of Governor's Race

From the Campaign Office of Dan Proft for Governor

(Chicago, Illinois) — In response to the announcement that Bob Schillerstrom is dropping out of the race for governor and endorsing Jim Ryan, conservative Republican candidate for governor Dan Proft released the following statement:

I want to congratulate Bob Schillerstrom for running a spirited, policy-oriented campaign.

He was a worthy adversary and is a class individual.

However, his support of Jim Ryan serves only to crystallize the choice for Republican primary voters on February 2nd. Are we going to turn back the clock or are we finally going to usher in a new generation of forward-looking leadership for our party and our state?

Are we going to propose a more orderly going-out-of-business sale for our state or take up the cause of bringing policy revolution to state government?

Will fear lead us to tolerate the status quo or will we muster the courage to advance the candidate who will turn Springfield upside down?

Chris Christie in New Jersey. Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

Who will lead the revolution in Illinois?

Jim Ryan? He is a fine man but, please, be serious.

If you want policy revolution in Illinois, Dan Proft is your candidate for Governor.

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