Friday, January 22, 2010

Message from Bob Schillerstrom

From the Campaign Office of Bob Schillerstrom

Dear Friends,

Nearly seven months ago we launched this campaign with a promise to dramatically change the quick-fix, reactionary approach to state government that has saddled Illinois with an $11 billion deficit, double-digit unemployment and a well-earned national reputation for corruption. We sought to remind taxpayers that they don't have to settle for Springfield dysfunction – that there is a better way.

It has been my pleasure to work with you in the time since to spread that message across our state. Together we have sounded the call for new leadership – for an end to runaway spending and threatened tax hikes, for a new approach to recruiting employers and good jobs to Illinois, and for the transformation of a Springfield culture that has put us in this predicament. In the process we have introduced critical reforms that would revolutionize state government – things like zero-based budgeting, 72-Hour online public review of all spending legislation, and term limits for all state leaders. We have made a difference.

But as Election Day nears, it is clear that we lack the financial resources necessary to communicate with voters statewide and win the February 2 Primary. Given that reality, I have decided to end our campaign for Governor. This decision was not made lightly, and was particularly difficult given the incredible investment that so many have made in our campaign. Words cannot express how grateful and humbled I am by the work of our volunteers, staff and supporters. And I would be remiss if I did not publically thank my wife of 25 years, Marybeth, and our three children for their unwavering support from day one.

Today is the end of our campaign for Governor, but it does not lessen the urgency in bringing new leadership and a different approach to Springfield. And that is why today I also announce my endorsement of the candidate who I believe will best lead our state in taking on unprecedented challenges, Jim Ryan.

In a political arena where individuals are only as good as their word, Jim Ryan stands out as a man of integrity. He is tested. He is honest. I've known Jim Ryan for nearly 30 years and I've seen him deal with difficult challenges whether they were personal, political or professional...

He will serve as an advocate for the taxpayer, questioning the status quo in state government and fighting to bring real change to Springfield culture. I encourage Republicans to vote for him on Feb. 2, and again in November...

Illinois can do better – and working together, we'll see that it does.


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